Cheap, wireless, external hard drive launched by LaCie

Have you partaken in the goodness that is wireless data storage? There's quite a few ways to get it going these days — setting up a separate computer as a server being the most common — but LaCie just made it super small and surprisingly cheap.
It's called the Wireless Space, and LaCie's Wi-Fi drive will add another terabyte or two to your home network. You can use it as a place to backup your computer using Time Machine or other software, or even just load it up with music on iTunes or what have you. It's your storage, buddy, you can do what you want!
What we're most excited about, however, is its Wi-Fi capabilities. It will even act the part of a router, giving you extra ethernet ports to play with, and can be made into a hotspot or a bridge for other devices.
For 1TB of data, it'll set you back $230, or $350 for 2TB. The $230 drive is pretty fair in our mind. A good wireless router can set you back $60 or $70, and a regular ol' external hard drive that big is upwards of $120. For having it all built in, that's not a large premium you're paying, which is frankly pretty surprising from LaCie.
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