This Hard Drive Dock can also clone drives

Making a clone of a hard drive isn’t something that most people do on a regular basis, but it can be a pain when you do find yourself in that position. It’s been a while since I’ve had to do it, but the process always involved special software and the undivided attention of one of my computers for a while. If you go through this very often, you might be interested in this Double Rack USB/ eSATA dock.
This contraption allows you to plug in two hard drives, and clone from one to the other. The best part is that this operation does not require the use of your PC in any way. When you aren’t cloning drives, you can use it as a regular hard drive dock. The website doesn’t specifically state if it supports IDE, SATA or both. It does mention that it can clone PS3 hard drives, so it at least works with SATA (that also means 2.5-inch drives are supported). $90 might be a bit much for a boring hard drive dock, but I’d say it’s well worth the money if you ever need to clone your hard drive.
Which Brand is this and where is it available?
yeah... looks interesting to me too..
what brand????
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